Christmas Challenge – Day 1 & 2, HUD

Hello everyone, I read about a game development challenge on the Unreal Development facebook group that I found interesting and wanted to try out.

Basically it is that you set aside one hour everyday to develop a game inside Unreal Engine (this is of course optional, it could be any other engine out there including your own). For me this was a prime opportunity to yet again try to dive into the monstrous being that is Unreal Engine but this time during a more lax approach.

So what is my idea? Well I have been urging for a long time now to create a gathering game of sorts, so that is what I will do. It involves gathering resources and creating basic tools and structures to maintain your characters hunger and stamina while at the same time increase its strength to be able to wield better tools and carry more weight.

So today I started with doing two hours instead of one, to make up for yesterday, and I started with following a tutorial on heads up displays in Unreal Engine. However I tweaked about to configure to meet my ends during the tutorial. So thanks to this I did not face any difficulties but had a smooth time throughout the session, adding a inventory, player status bars and an experience pop-up widget.

The plans for tomorrow is to finish up with the HUD and start on the gathering mechanic and adding increasingly higher stamina drain based on the current inventory weight.

As a last note I would like to give a shoutout to my friend Kenth Ljung that has joined me on doing this challenge (you can find his blog in the bottom).

Well have a great evening and hopefully I will give a status update tomorrow.

Kenths dev blog: